Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Treadmills vs. Pavement

In no way am I up to the level of the women who so gracefully glide down the road on their  daily 5 mile run, but I'm trying.  Slow and steady like the tortoise.

I have been running everyday on the treadmill and at the end of a, non-stop 30 minute run, I am throwing myself a little party in my head.  (Obviously, I am new to the running game.)  I have to stop  myself at times and remember there are others in the gym with me and they probably do not care to see me fist pumping and cheering for myself.  I have a reputation to uphold and, by no means, do I want to become the crazy girl in the corner!

It is amazing though how a 30 minute, rolling hills, run on the treadmill can feel so different than actually running on pavement.  All of the sudden, the non-stop 30 minutes, turns into run 10 minutes and then walk before falling on my face.  In a perfect world, as long as you are running on any surface, it would all feel the same.  But, no, the rolling belt of the treadmill doesn't compare to the stationary ground.

It's great to train and run inside if you can't go out, but eventually you need to literally put your feet to the pavement to truly experience what a run feels like.

I began to realize that there are many areas in life that are like my treadmill, practicing for what I would like to become or do and not actually putting my feet to the pavement.  For years I have dreamed of sitting down and writing, I have thought of stories and poems, but actually putting them to paper is harder than dreaming of them.  Not just your dreams, but the same goes for marriage, raising children, and growing in your faith.  We can study the Bible, read books, take classes on how to improve in those areas, but until we put what we've learned to action, we are just jogging away on our mental treadmills. Going nowhere, staying on the steady rolling belt of our comfort zone.

Run on your treadmills while you can, it is still great training, but I challenge you to put your feet on the pavement and get out of your comfort zone.  Run, no matter how exhausting and hard it may be.  When you finally begin to take those steps, the 30 minutes of leg aching, chest hurting pain will turn into sweet rewards.  When you realize that you actually succeeded and didn't fall flat on your face, it will make it that much easier to go again.  Let's go out and get to running!!

James 1:22-25  "Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves.  Do what it says.  Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like.  But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it - not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it - they will be blessed in what they do." NIV

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Countercultural- a culture with values and morals that run counter to those of established society. Merriam- Webster Dictionary

The sun is starting to shine, spring is on its way, and it's time to get active!  We have gym memberships to renew, sports registrations, and three months to get bathing suit ready.  Are you with me?

Within the past few weeks spring sports has started up for my children, practices and games here we come!  I love watching my daughter dart down the soccer field and my son hit a line drive into outfield, but this year I have felt God opening my eyes to some stands that I need to take as a parent.

While living in Houston, we attended a sermon series at Second Baptist Church by Dr. Ed Young.  He entitled the series "Countercultural" and it was based on the Sermon on the Mount found in Matthew chapters 5-7.  Here, Jesus was teaching the crowds with words that seemed to contradict how the world lives.  Love when others hate, give not take, and also giving up your rights to serve others, these are just a few examples.  It is a powerful and convicting message and I challenge you to read those passages.

Lately, the phrase countercultural has been resurfacing in my life and floating around in my head.  At church, in discussions, and in my devotionals.  What does this have to do with being active and attending our kids sports you ask?

We are called to live for Christ and "...train our children in the way he should go..." Proverbs 22:6 teaching them to love God, keeping His commandments, "...Impress them on your children..." Deuteronomy 6:4-9, and that is countercultural to how the world works.  Some of the obvious ones are easy to tackle.  Do we love others? Check.  Show mercy?  Check, check.  But what about the un-obvious?

I was convicted that to live for God he needs to be first in ALL things, and that even includes kids sports, which is very countercultural today.  We live in a society that is all about what team you are on, who won the big game, who we cheer for, who runs faster, throws better, scores the most points, and who got their name mentioned after the big play.  They may say thanks to God in their acceptance speech, but that is about as close as it gets.

I felt it important to email my son's baseball coach the other day to kindly let him know that my son was  involved in Wednesday night youth activities at church and would not be at practice on those nights.  On one hand I thought, he could just miss a month or two of services, it won't hurt him.  But on the other hand, he loves Wednesday night youth and those are the times where he is really growing those bonds with other kids his age, and learning that worshipping God isn't just about sitting in a pew and listening to the preacher on Sunday morning.  After weighing the options, it was a no- brainer.  Is that frowned upon?  Yes.  Our culture puts sports, fitness, practice, etc. before God and to do differently is countercultural.

In my devotional yesterday, I read a passage that confirmed my conviction. In 1Timothy 4:7-10 God tells us that "...physical training is of some value, but godliness has a value for all things..."

My son is an excellent ball player, and loves the sport, but if I only focus on the physical training, what kind of man will he become?  Also, chances are, he will not go into pro ball, I say that only because he has said he wants other things.  If he spends his childhood on the field missing church, what has he gained?  You may need to ask yourself, "If sports were taken out of mine or my child's life, would I feel the same way about myself?"

I feel strongly that God gave us our children to train them up in the ways that God  has shown so that one day they will be godly young men and women, knowing who they are in God's eyes.  Our children need to be well rounded, they need family, friends, education, physical activity, nutrition, love, and above all a relationship with Christ Jesus.

This is something that God has laid upon my heart and in return I challenge you to live every moment of your life countercultural.  Go, get active, spiritually and physically!!

1 Timothy 4:7 - 10  "Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives' tales; rather, train yourself to be godly.  For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.  This is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance.  That is why we labor and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, and especially of those who believe."  NIV

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

"A New Angle"

Lord give me a new angle,
one as seen from up above.
I'm tired of always looking sideways,
I want to feel your endless love.

The world today wants me to believe,
that looking sideways is what I need.
Be better than others, look better, run faster,
talk louder than others, as long as I'm not worse off than others,
I will succeed.

My neck is hurting from always looking around,
and a splitting headache is all I've found.
Looking at others hasn't gotten me far,
I've only been left with an emotional scar.

The vain reasoning of man,
is worthless in God's eyes.
We crumble and fall,
from the pressure of it all.
We have to realize before it's too late,
that the message is nothing but lies.

A new angle is what we need,
not looking sideways trying to gain speed.
An angle from God's view
looking at others in a whole way new.

Forgiveness and love, compassion and caring,
encouragement, kindness, giving, and sharing.
Through the sideways view of man,
this may seem simply impossible.
But from a new angle with God,
we find it all to be POSSIBLE!

Lord give me a new angle,
one as seen from up above.
I'm tired of always looking sideways,
I want to feel your endless love.  
Melissa Whitworth  2-13-13

Matthew 19:26  "Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."

Luke 1:37  "For no word from God will ever fail."

Luke 18:27 "Jesus replied, "What is impossible with man is possible with God."

Jeremiah 32:17 "Ah, Sovereign LORD, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you."

Monday, February 11, 2013

Here we go!

    How do they do it?  Seriously!  I see women who look to have it all together.  They have the kids that are always dressed perfectly with the handmade bow perched perfectly atop their silky styled hair.  Outfits that match and not a stain to be found, and for some reason, their clothes don't have the faint aroma of sitting in the washer a little too long.  Some of you know that smell, don't kid yourself!
    That is just their children, the mom is also stylish, trim, just finished jogging and does NOT look like she could collapse!  When she isn't jogging, she is downing another bottle of water, from a metal "earth friendly" bottle, and then heading off to one of her many volunteer duties, or even off to work.  Wherever she is going, she looks like she is happy to be there.
    All the while, if you were to walk into her house, you would find it perfectly decorated, smelling amazing from a home cooked meal, and to top it off...IT IS CLEAN!!  Did I forget to mention that her kids love her and her husband adores her?   disclaimer ( any similarity with this description is purely coincidental.) 

Seriously, how does she do it?!  Or does she...

    Yesterday, I found myself talking to my dear sweet husband about life, the purpose of it all, what dreams we had, and what to do with it all.  Our conversation started out extremely positive but over the course of an hour I found my positivity turning into frustration and then out of nowhere a surprise "pity party" had popped up.
    "What am I doing wrong?" "What is the point?" "Where am I headed?"  "WHY DOES EVERYONE ELSE'S HOUSE ALWAYS SEEM CLEAN!"
Do you find yourself wondering the same questions?

When we first get married and start having children, everything is new and fresh and exciting. We fill our minds with information, reading every book we can get our hands on from improving our love life with our spouse to raising our children from birth in a Godly household. We join Moms groups, go on play dates with friends and their children at the park, and for most of us, talk to our mothers almost daily about all of the funny things the grandkids have done. Then are given advice on how to raise them properly and what medication to give or not to give for the random stuffy nose. Our children are growing fast and while there are days that we feel as though we cannot go on due to the shear exhaustion of it all, new things happen daily and within a week all can change. We are constantly on our toes, alert, and ready with juice box in hand. For me, this was my life, and I loved it, minus the lack of sleep. My point is, that in the early stages of raising children, our purpose can be found in being Mommy to every need of that precious child you have on your hip. It may be an exhausting purpose, but it is yours and you do it well.

    Along the way our children grow, become less dependent, and the newness begins to wear off.  Where in the beginning, we were constantly involved in every moment of their lives, we now find ourselves being “filled in” on what is going on in their lives.  My children are not fully grown yet, and I am positive there will be more changes to come, but for now, I am in the first few years of this stage and it has started me questioning what my purpose is right now.  My son just turned 12 a few weeks ago and is in junior high, and my daughter is 9 going on teenager.  I'm sure many of you know that stage quite well!  Oh boy!  My husband and I just celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary and I am still trying to locate where the time went.  I am living my life one day at a time, and for today, God has asked me to share my struggles and successes with others in hopes to encourage other women who feel like they are lacking purpose, and are the only ones with a messy house!

Joshua 1:9   ..."do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."  NIV